Оригинален текст
So where does this leave me?
Hanging by a message; a device that I have
Grown to loathe a little more with every word I'm using just to
Cover up the truth that you're just a questionable figure
In a tale far to dull to set in stone.
And you'd say it like a priestess, but you sin just like the rest of us,
And leave me here to figure out the difference.
I won't take my chances stuck in your speakers,
Like I'll be waiting when you get lost
Filling your nothing with my empty words and stories.
Try a call for once; just be a real person.
Give me a reason to believe you're being genuine
With what you want, and if I'm a part of that or not.
'Cause as the record shows, you always
Say it like a priestess, but you sin just like the rest of us
And I don't want to sit around and play this.
Don't sell me out for nothing; not on this one